My Skincare Regime.

My Skincare Regime

When it comes to skincare I really have a mix-match of what I like to use on my skin. Looking after your skin from an early age is vitally important which I have learnt from my aunt, who always told me to wear moisturiser and cleanse my skin since my early teens and since then my skin care regime has grown! So in this post I’ve put together my favourite skin care products to keep my skin clear and protected from the surrounding environment. I have very oily and combination type skin so I’m forever trying products that won’t cause breakouts or make my skin look like a shiny disco ball! 

The first product in my regime has to be my Botanics Scrub, it removes impurities from the skin to reveal brighter looking skin, the walnut shell ingredient removes any dry skin and helps to stop impurities breaking out on the skin. I usually place a pea size amount on my finger and massage into my skin with a little bit of water, then I wash it off with a warm face cloth! My face feels so refreshed from doing this, I would normally do this in the evenings to ensure my face has no makeup left on and feels completely clean.

The second skin care product that I love is my Simple cleanser. This is really great for getting rid of any makeup on the face including eye makeup, one or two pumps normally do the trick! Just massage into the skin and wash away with warm water, again your skin should feel really refreshed. 

Then we have Boots Rose Water, this is great alternative to a chemical toner as it cleanses the skin, removes dirt and all other pollutants from deep inside the skins pores. It can be used on any skin type without causing irritation!

Fourth in my skincare routine is my Soap and Glory moisturiser, this is the newest purchase in my skin care products and I just love it. It helps with clogged prone pores, surplus sebum (what causes impurities) and oily t-zones, I’ve really noticed a difference from using this on my skin everyday.

Fifth, for removing my makeup I always to turn Garnier Micellar Water! Micellar water is wonderful for removing makeup without clogging your pores… so much better than using wipes! I have featured Micellar Water on my blog before so to get more details, click here

Finally, for when I want to give my skin a real treat I turn to my Lush Catastrophe Cosmetic face mask, I have previously featured this mask on my blog (which you can check out here) but had to mention it again as it’s wonderful for reviving the skin and helping the fight against impurities and clogged pores.

My Skincare Regime My Skincare Regime

Photographer – Siobhan Gleeson-Hayes, @Simply Photography.

Instagram – @pinksars
Facebook– @pinksars

Let me know if you’ve ever tried any of these products! Love hearing from you lovelies.

All my love,


Garnier Micellar Water.

Micellar water has hit the world by storm in the past year and it really is a miracle in a bottle. It’s been around since the 90s when Parisian women used it on their skin, as the water in Paris was notoriously known to be very harsh for the skin. What is it exactly? It basically is a cleanser than removes all makeup from the skin and is much better than using an alcohol filled wipe.
However it won’t deep cleanse your skin so you will have to do that but it really is a great quick fix for on the beauty when you need to go to bed or wake up in the morning and want to feel refreshed! I bought this ‘Garnier Micellar Water’ in Boots for €4.00 and just couldn’t leave it there without trying it. It really is wonderful for my skin, I am prone to breakouts quite a lot and since I’ve started using the Micellar water I have noticed a difference in my skin. Micellar water is full of zinc, which helps to fight the bacteria that causes acne and breakouts… what more could you want?
It is perfume free, so it’s perfect for girls and guys with very sensitive skin. All you’ll need is cotton pads and you’re away! It really is a wonderful cleanser and with its popularity recently you can buy really great cheap skin care products.

Photographer – Siobhan Gleeson-Hayes, @Simply Photography.

Instagram – @pinksars
Facebook– @pinksars

Have you ever tried Micellar water? Do you find it worked for you? Let me know in the comments below!
All my love,